Infringement opinion

Should you be aware of a third-party IP right that potentially covers your latest technology or might affect your development activities, it is wise to analyze the IP right’s scope of protection in detail. This also applies to a registered trademark that probably protects the brand you use or a third-party design that is similar to your product design. Is your business infringing an IP right and/or would a future product fall within its scope of protection? What are the critical features of your technology? Can you find viable alternative solutions? In which countries could there be problems? What dangers would you face?

We will help you to find answers to these questions. Based on a thorough analysis, you will be able to decide on how to proceed further. Our experienced attorneys will suggest possible solutions ranging from seeking a license to well-considered product adaptations or initiating opposition, nullity or cancellation proceedings against a third-party IP right. If required, we will draw on the great expertise of our international network to provide you with careful legal assessment as to the situation in other jurisdictions.

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